Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Out of Sync

It’s been awhile since I have written a blog post. There could be umpteen reasons for this like I am not unemployed anymore or maybe I didn’t feel like.

Last month just passed too quickly. There was the ORM (Operational Review Meet), then Pehal, Meetings for the new project and planning for Anshul’s Farewell Party.

Well the party was nothing if not fun. From the Hawain theme to home cooked meals to cross over dressing to shakira dancing to unlimited booze supply, it was exhilarating.

I have work to fill my days, friends to add joy to my life and a wonderful family but still I feel something vital is missing. I have done a lot of introspection and possibly figured out the problem but I really don’t want to admit it.

Is it possible that someone can become anti-social? Like I do go out once in a while (once a month) and rest of the time I keep dodging my friends. I have stopped going to most of the family functions, I started avoiding random coffee sessions and almost stopped chatting online.

Is it that I have stopped caring for my friends? I switch off my cell phone or leave it ringing. I almost never go out and I have thousands of readymade excuses. My friends have started complaining and I don’t blame them but I just feel like being alone.

I just hope it’s a phase and gets over soon.



  1. Everyone goes through this phase and sometimes it is important to. If you try and calculate you might not be spending even 50 mins/week in reflection/spending time in looking back at decisions you have taken/what you wish to do/why you want to do something. Being in the presence of others takes away the "I" time.. see this as an opportunity to set clearer goals.. cos this too shall pass

  2. May be yes, sometimes you need to give time to yourself...we just spend too much time pleasing others, working, socialising etc etc that we forget an "I" exists.


  3. One does need time for oneself for putting things into place and setting right goals but do not end up in a situation where you have stabilized your life and have done all the introspection about yourself but suddenly you realize, 'Hey! Where have my friends gone? Where is everyone?'. Remember, no body waits for you. Everyone has his/her own set of worries and challenges to face. What you need to do is maintain a balance, just not cut yourself with the world also also continue to improving, introspecting and stabilizing yourself. I have been through this phase and can relate to what you feeling. Tc
